ECB Clubmark
URN 1100
Over 100 years of traditional village cricket in Elham.
We have a strong link to our local community, visit the village hall website to find out more https://www.elhamvillagehall.co.uk/
The club moved to its present location in 2000 after a long residence at the Gore. A combination of hard fund raising and successful grant applications made the move feasable. We were very well supported by Sport England and the National Lottery. Starting from scratch gave us the opportunity to tailor a building to our needs and develop as high a standard playing surface as possible.

The Club House was designed to provide sufficient space without imposing to much on the idylic setting in which it sits. We have a resonable sized social area, with an incorporated bar and kitchen area. The changing rooms are fresh and light with two showers in both. In the bar area there is a TV and internet access can be provided on request.
Our playing surfaces are amongst the best in the area. In good conditions the wickets provide a fair surface for both batsmen and bowlers alike. Our outfield whilst on a slight gradient is smooth and fast allowing rich rewards for good shots and fielders being able to be confident to get behind the ball. We use a large part of our annual budget to maintain these standards on a year by year basis.

We also have a two lane concrete based net facility. We also have new two new nets which are designed to play similar to our wicket. The new nets have a power supply for the use of our bowling machine. Use of our bowling machine is restricted to over 18's unless adult supervision is present.